Yearbook Photo System with Integrated E-Commerce


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Transforming the Yearbook Photo Experience at Gymnasium Oberwil

In our innovative project, we revolutionized the yearbook photo process at Gymnasium Oberwil by simplifying and streamlining the experience for students. Our solution automated the process, reducing staff from 20 to just 4 and significantly cutting working hours.

Previously, the yearbook process was cumbersome as it was done manually, requiring over 20 staff members. Our project aimed to automate the process, reducing staff to just 4 and significantly cutting working hours. The project was a resounding success, with students praising the user-friendly interface and hassle-free experience.

Link: to the Yearbook Photo System

Key Highlights

  1. Effortless Photo Capture: We set up a dedicated photobox with professional lighting and high-quality camera, allowing students to take their own photos with ease.
  2. Intuitive Web-Based Interface: Our user-friendly web interface, hosted on Vercel, provided an seamless navigation experience for students, from logging in to accessing their photos.
  3. Automated Photo Processing: We developed automation scripts and accounts to streamline the photo capture process, featuring custom QR codes for user identification, PDF generation, and image downloads.
  4. Secure Integration: Our software seamlessly connected with the photobox integrated software, ensuring captured images were processed and made available online. We implemented secure authentication using Supabase Email OTP and e-commerce functionality with Wallee and Twint for secure purchases.


Homepage This is the homepage of the yearbook photo system.

Logged-in User This is the logged-in user view of the yearbook photo system.